Friday, June 28, 1991

Reunited with Carol Holloway! Fittingly, the day started with an earthquake that was strong enough to wake me up, just before the alarm was set to go off. This is the start of something big! And then, at LAX, waiting to board my historic flight, I ran into Paul Braugham (of Princess Cruises), one of my favorite people. Another good omen.

And on the flight north, I told my seat-mate that I was on my way to rendezvous with a high-school sweetheart that I haven't seen in twenty-four years — and by the time the plane touched down in Spokane (after a stop in Portland), my whole section of the plane was abuzz, cheering me on as I walked down the ramp to where Carol was waiting, beaming.

Saturday, June 8, 1991

Home all day, writing. Spoke to Carol (who goes by the nickname Robin these days) for forty minutes in the evening, then Bill Jervey arrived — he and I sitting up talking until 2 A.M.

Today I've been pacing the floor, trying to comprehend the wonderful thing that's happened over the past three weeks. A month ago I was feeling so depressed — unable to drive because of my DUI, feeling sick half the time because of my ulcer (which hasn't been healing as fast as it should because I'm still drinking and smoking too much), that the prospect of anything good happening in the near future (or ever) seemed dim. And the notion of ever finding romance again seemed hopeless.

But then I phoned Carol...

And now we're in love, talking sweet talk on the phone, even though we haven't seen each other in twenty-odd years! Twenty-four years since we last saw each other, at L.A.C.C.! Twenty-seven years since we last dated, in high school!