Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I spend my days getting mainframes to talk to application servers to talk to clients, in both directions. This is J2EE, TCP/IP socket programming in Java, Cobol, C/C++, and mainframe Assembler language, with resource adapters, connection pooling, subscribe/publish messaging - requiring additional knowledge in IBM mainframe Cobol, TSO, JCL, CICS, IMS/DB, IMS/TM, DB2, Oracle, and their associated interfaces: CICS Transaction Gateway, IMS Connect, IMS Connector for Java.

None of this has anything to do with electronics or hardware. It’s all computer programming. Nothing that I program will last more than a few years, and none of the above terms and acronyms will mean anything to even the most technical of my grandchildren.

It sure would be nice to get into doing something more lasting, and of more help to the world.