Sunday, October 22, 2006

Robin turns sixty

Robin’s 60th birthday. When she got home from work at 7:30, James and I took her to breakfast at Paradise Cove, and got her back home in time for Kris’ surprise arrival from Davis.

Then, while Kris took her mom out for a manicure, James and I decorated the house, and the food arrived from Brent’s Deli. By the time Robin and Kris got home, the first guests were arriving for her surprise party. Guests: David, Kenlyn, Rachel, and Ryan; Liz, Gary, and Devyn; Darryl, Angela, and Kaitlin; Liz’s Aunt Jeanne; Steve & Veronica Winston; Burt & Charlene Weinstein; Roger Eaton & Sandy Chaves; Peter Rashkin & Camilla; Steve, Celina, and Gideon Shutman.

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