Tuesday, February 6, 2007

What is it, exactly, that I do?

An aquaintance recently asked me that question, and for the umpteenth time, I realized that I didn't have an easy answer.

In the old days, I was called a programmer - then a programmer / analyst - then programmer / systems analyst. Now, programmers are "engineers."

So now I'm a "Senior Software Engineer": development team lead and manager for the EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) portion of Sun Microsystem's Java Composite Application Platform Suite (Java CAPS). Got that?

Here's the kind of stuff I look at while at work...


Anonymous said...

Ha! I look at "HTTP Status 500" too... I bet we could just replace job descriptions with error codes and get a pretty accurate understanding of what people do.

Unknown said...

If you spend your days looking at that, just like me looking at numbers, no wonder we are going blind.

Burt the First said...

Okay, I get all that. But what is it, exactly, that you do? Some kidding aside, I suffer the same fate. When people ask me what I do, I carefully explain it to them, all the while watching their expressions glaze over like a Christmas ham. It occurs to me that what each of us does is best recounted in Chinese.