Sunday, August 9, 2009

Darryl's band on stage at The Airliner

Darryl had two of his bands playing tonight: Sonic Wave Society (9-10 PM), and Melic Sub Rosa (10-11 PM), at the The Airliner, on North Broadway in Lincoln Heights.

Darryl is a superb musician, arranger, and producer, but his music is "challenging" to his parents and their cohorts. We love to see him perform - the live performance, with all the body language, brings the music to life - but the be-bop stuff of late Coltrane and Ornette Coleman, fused with rock, is difficult for this baby-boomer to wrap his head around. But intellectually, if not emotionally, I "get it", and am as proud of Darryl as can be, sensing that his Redline Park Lable has a chance to take off big time!

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