Tuesday, October 12, 1999

Fire next door!

Apartment Fire
Originally uploaded by Snap Man
What a day! I was preparing for a phone interview with Northrop, an aerospace company in Southern California, when I heard the sirens, and saw the fire trucks pull up to the apartment building next door to our house. I could see at a glance that this was no small deal - a threat to our own house - so I phoned Robin at her work, leaving a message for her to come ASAP. By the time my Northrop phone interview started - one of those calls where half a dozen people were on the line to take turns questioning me - there were firemen traipsing through my living room, telling me to gather up my valuables and pets. Talk about an interview from hell! Meanwhile, Robin had gotten my message, and had rushed home with such complete disregard for stop lights, stop signs, and speed limits, that several police cars arrived with her, flashing their own red lights. Aside from Robin's traffic tickets, things turned out okay for us - but the apartment building next door was a total loss, demolished a few months later.

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