Saturday, January 20, 2007

Hillary announces White House run

Yucch! This was long anticipated - the big money, big establishment candidate, pimping and pandering to grab the nomination. I'll take Edwards, or Obama, or Kucinich, or Robertson, or Gore - or even Biden! - over Hillary.

If she's running in November, I'll have to hold my nose and vote for her over anyone the Republicans are likely to offer - but my favorites at this early stage are Barak Obama and John Edwards.


Peter Rashkin said...

I'm looking at Tom Vilsack,

Also, see "Robert Scheer: Chuck Hagel for President!" at

Kent Kanouse said...

The usually reliable Scheer must have his tongue planted firmly in cheek to be suggesting Hagel. His recent stand on Iraq has been a pleasant surprise, but his voting record in the Senate has been consistently far to the right.