Yucch! This was long anticipated - the big money, big establishment candidate, pimping and pandering to grab the nomination. I'll take Edwards, or Obama, or Kucinich, or Robertson, or Gore - or even Biden! - over Hillary.
If she's running in November, I'll have to hold my nose and vote for her over anyone the Republicans are likely to offer - but my favorites at this early stage are Barak Obama and John Edwards.
I'm looking at Tom Vilsack, http://www.tomvilsack08.com/
Also, see "Robert Scheer: Chuck Hagel for President!" at http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/20070116_robert_scheer_chuck_hagel_president/
The usually reliable Scheer must have his tongue planted firmly in cheek to be suggesting Hagel. His recent stand on Iraq has been a pleasant surprise, but his voting record in the Senate has been consistently far to the right.
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